Blue Shield did a series of digital ads geared towards CalPers members. We also were able to cobrand with varies medical groups in the areas we were targeting. I resized these images into about 10 different sizes. With the different co-brand options, I did close to 50 different ads for this project.

Engagement Point is a new app/healthcare experience that Blue Shield rolled out. There were several touchpoints for this campaign including a how-to manual, emails, and these in-app messages. Not only did I design the materials, but I was also a participant in the pilot to provide user feedback on the app and experience as a whole.

As the workload increased in our studio, but headcount remained flat, I teamed up on this project where we were able to move individual ad requests out of the creative studio and into our Shield On Demand platform. This is a self-serve platform where both stagnant and customizable collateral can be created. I was an integral stakeholder in setting up that platform, and seeing this ad-builder come to life was very fulfilling.