I was often assigned to create the Blue Shield corporate holiday card. I would get to come up with some really fun designs and see how far we could go while still being on-brand. These card concepts were my favorite, and I was so glad when the CEO picked them too! I used our proprietary model images and photoshopped scarves onto them. I also had to do some extensive colorwork on the scarves to get them to be our BSC blue.

This was a nice brochure to get to redesign. As a brand, we were exploring some iconography as main images, and this piece - being about the Pharmacy Residency Program - was the perfect brochure to use this style on.

I really enjoyed doing the production on this custom-created "scratcher" card. It was to be used to generate excitement in our internal offices on our newest Trio product. I worked closely with the Art Director, Copywriter, and print vendor to bring this idea to fruition.